For its deterioration since mid-January with its fall and “more phenomena” the director of the National Meteorological Service (EMY), Theodore Kolydas, mentions. In an estimate of the time of the month, the meteorologist noted that in the first ten days the temperature will be high for the season. CORVERSE According to what he wrote in his post to X, next weekend (04-05/01/25/) mercury will fall temporarily, while a few rains are expected to occur. “Regress of temperatures towards the middle of the month, with more phenomena,” he wrote in the suspension, which is accompanied by maps. With the temperature at levels above normal it will flow in the first ten days of January, with a temporary drop of mercury next weekend and with a few rains. Regression of temperatures in the middle of the month, with more phenomena. The weather on Friday A few clouds temporarily increased mainly in the west and east and south Aegean, where a few local rains will first occur, but the phenomena will intensify in the evening hours, according to the National Weather Service. The visibility in the morning hours will be locally limited. The winds will blow south southwest 3 to 4, Ionian to 5 and Aegean 5 to 6 Beaufort. The temperature will not change significantly and will reach 14 degrees, in the remaining 15 to 17 areas and locally in the southern Aegean at 18 degrees Celsius. In the northwest continentals in the morning hours there will be frost on site. The weather on Saturdays All over the country is predicted clouds transiently increased with local rains. Isolated storms will occur in the west and eastern Aegean. The phenomena at night to the west and the north will stop. The winds will blow from southern addresses 3 to 4 and in the Aegean local to 5 Beaufort. But quickly to the west and the north and gradually to the other areas will turn to northern addresses and in the northeastern Aegean will be strengthened to 5 to 6 Beauforts. Temperature will drop to the north as to its maximum values. The weather on Sunday In the eastern and southern Aegean, clouds are predicted temporarily increased with local rains and sporadic storms and gradual improvement. In the rest of the country few clouds are temporarily increased with local rains by afternoon, mainly in Sporades and Evia. Visibility in the morning and evening hours will be locally limited and fogs will be formed. The winds will blow from northern addresses 3 to 5 and in the Aegean local 6 Beaufort and only in the southeast in the early morning hours will be eastern southeast to 5 Beaufort. The temperature will drop slightly. The weather The Epiphany Almost atrium weather with few local clouds. Visibility in the morning and evening hours will be locally limited and fogs will be formed. The winds will initially blow from northern addresses 3 to 5 and in the southeastern Aegean in the morning hours to 6 Beauforts, but will gradually turn to western southwest to 5 Beauforts. Temperature won’t change significantly.
Weather: Falling temperature and rains at the weekend – “More phenomena” Kolydas sees in mid-January
in Greece