Water: What are the needs of the organisation?

How much water should we drink a day? The answer is simple. They can’t identify the precise needs of the… organisation in water, because this depends on many factors. However, the minimum amount of water should be taken every day is one liter, in special cases, however, can reach up to 6-7 litres.
The quantities of water that the body needs daily depends on the activities and the type of food. Our need for water increases:
During vigorous muscular activity at work or in sports.
In periods of intense heat and humidity.
In periods of illness, e.x. in gastroenteritis, εμπύρετες viral infections, diseases of the urinary system etc.
In pregnancy and in breastfeeding
One of the reasons why we prefer water that has no calories, is low in sodium and contains no fat, cholesterol, sugar or other ingredients that affect calorie the person.
In rare cases, excessive water intake, the mechanism of secretion of antidiuretic hormone is disrupted. This has as a result of high water retention in the body, without such a retention of salts, which result in disorder of the vital functions of the cells.
Some of us think that juices, milk, tea, coffee can replace water.
This is not the case, as well as juices or milk, besides water, contain extra nutrients and calories. Other beverages, such as soft drinks and alcoholic drinks, is poor in nutrients and usually contain a lot of calories. Coffee and tea provide water, but increase the diuresis. Drinks with caffeine, which has diuretic effect, can help the dehydration.