Volos: She stole 5,000 euros from her friend’s salon and hid them in her underwear

Friendship for two women by him seems not priceless but costs a little less than 5,000 euros. At least that’s what one of the girls thought she took money from her best friend’s salon. The owner of the salon on Volos reportedly discovered that money was missing from the cashier and from her purse, which she left on an office, but her mind did not reach the perpetrator who was eventually her friend. CORVERSE Specifically, one day the woman decided to place and hide her cell phone in a spot where the company’s cashier and purse clearly appeared. The cell phone was filming and the woman stayed with her mouth open, when she realized that the thief was eventually her best friend, as gegonotannews.gr. The owner of the salon denounced the incident to the police, which proceeded to arrest the “sticker” while prosecution was brought against her for stealing continuously. After a physical check on the victim’s girlfriend, the authorities found the money in her underwear. CORVERSE The “stick” was represented by a lawyer yesterday morning (18.01.2025) before the One-Member Defecting Tribunal Volos, as, according to her lawyer, she had guilt and was ashamed to appear in person. As her advocate said, the defendant immediately agreed to return the total amount of 4.470 euros she had stolen from the store register and her friend’s purse, even giving interest. The court found the woman guilty of the act of stealing continuously imposing a penalty of EUR 5,010. The 10 euros were added to the amount by the Court in order to enable the convicted person to appeal the sentence.