View of Samos to Italy and the Me. Britain on the initiative of the Ministry and the Greek national tourism organisation

View of Samos to Italy and the Me. Britain with the initiative of the Ministry and the Greek tourism organization for the immediate strengthening of the tourism supply in 2016…
In implementation of the design has announced the If. Minister of Tourism Economy Development and Tourism, mrs. Elena Kountoura for the promotion of Greek tourism abroad, and direct support and stimulate tourism in the islands of the Eastern Aegean sea, made in July two more press trips, familiarisation for the island of Samos.
Six journalists Italian MEDIA are these days in Samos with hospitality of the EOT, in order to get to know the beauties of the island, and to transfer the experience of the Greek hospitality to the Italian readers.
The press trip was organized by the GNTO with the support of the Municipality of Samos, which took over the shaping of the programme and the guided tours of the Italian journalists.
The mission involved six journalists, media with wide resonance in Italy, among them the newspaper La Stampa, the news agency ANSA and ASKA.NEWS , and three tourism journals, Agenzia di Viaggi, Guida Viaggi and Turismo & Attualità.
A similar trip is planned for the British newspaper The Telegraph, whose reporter will visit the island of Samos in the period of 15-19 July. The purpose is the collection of information material for the issuance of tribute for the island of Samos in the popular journal and view as the ideal holiday destination for the British.

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