One passing by with his car became the cause of the wild victim of the stager and Stavros Litinas and even in broad daylight, on Stournaris Street, Exarchia. Speaking to Live News, the actor described the shocking attack he received, with himself being beaten for no reason and with police, as he denounces, taking too long to reach the point, at noon Monday. ADVERSE “I passed a bus that was at the stop. I pulled out an alarm to park, heard an extended horn from a motorcycle. I made a gesture, what you want to go through. He’s coming down started yelling at me.” The driver gets off his bike and without warning he attacks the actor’s car, as he describes. “My car window broke with bare hands,” he says. “He leaves the bike down. He approaches, breaks my hands the glass and starts hitting me in the face and head.” CORVERSE When the motorcyclist left, Stavros Litinas called 911, waiting hit at the spot. “Ten minutes pass a lady only said what you’re doing you’ll kill the man. I’m calling the police and they’re not moving directly. I say again I am on Stournaris Street above are two cages”. But instead of the police coming, the biker showed up again… “This man returns bleeding in the hands. He starts asking me for the change. Blooded because he broke the window with his hands. He starts filming me from 10 cm and keeps hitting me.” The alleged perpetrator left the scene again, without the police yet showing up, which eventually came 30 minutes later. “All we can do is sue. 100 euros parabola and if they catch him – because they found his name – it will happen by accident, in a roadblock.” “If it was a girl and resisted she would kill her. And if he had an iron, he would have killed me. He said it on the video. I’m not more careful. I refuse to be more careful. I want to be a free citizen. I want, as I am okay with my obligations and the state, to be okay with me.” The search for the engine driver continues…
Victim of beating actor Stavros Litinas: “The window of my car broke with bare hands”
in Greece