Vassilis F. Andrikopoulos: Candidate in Processing with the Alma Brosta by Giannis Bratakos

Vassilis F. Andricopoulos will be nominated for his Board of Directors in the upcoming election, with the combination ALMA BROTA, led by Ioannis Bratakos. The department that will run is Processing, as in the last 4 years, it holds the position of Deputy CEO in Karamolegos S.A. Group, while in 2019 and 2020 he was Special Advisor to Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis on issues of growth and entrepreneurship. The Elections for the emergence of the new Board of Directors will be held on 30 November, 1 and 2 December 2024 (days Saturday, Sunday and Monday) and hours from 09:00 to 20:00, at the building of the EBEA (Academia 7 – 10671 Athens). On his candidacy, Mr. Andricopoulos stated: “The Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry has been serving entrepreneurship and development in the country for over a century, as it is the body that unites companies of all sectors, courageously expresses market positions and supports the efforts of the business world. Today, in a business environment that is constantly transforming, the EBE must be at the forefront of developments, at the side of each business, adding value to its members, with useful and affordable services, solutions and tools. As the country’s largest Chamber of Commerce, EBEA can and must be a pioneer in the digital and green transformation of Greek businesses, providing inspiration, guidance and support. The main objective of the ALMA BROTA combination is to meet the expectations of the business community, placing the EBEA in the position of the most reliable consultant and interlocuator of the State, with documented and technically integrated proposals, with effective claims and interventions to improve the business environment. I completely believe that the combination of the efforts of the State and entrepreneurship is the only way not only to create sustainable development conditions but also to release the country’s creative forces. “