Vaoufakis: “In 2021 to become the beginning of radical change for the many”

“It is up to us in 2021 to make the beginning of radical change in favour of the many. All over Greece. In all lengths and in all the backs of the Earth”: this is underlined in his New Year’s message by the secretary of the MERA25, Yanis Varoufakis. “2020 leaves behind open wounds, broken dreams, fear,” he notes, and continues: “But it also leaves an hopeless hope. Uncovering secrets that kept us going, the pandemic that marked 2020 opened our eyes to forces and possibilities that we had forgotten we had.
In 2020 we saw that governments are not weak. That they pretend to be weak because they want to leave the oligarchy undisturbed to exercise its power. But with the pandemic we have seen the powers of the state unfold terrifying.
We found that, in fact, the bankruptcy of the Greek state was never a matter of markets. It was a tool that the troika used to transfer the property, state-owned and now private, to the oligarchy-without-borders.
We were impressed with how quickly, when it was in their interest, the neoliberals embraced statehood and liberals embraced authoritarianism,” says the secretary of the MERA25.
And G. Yanukovych concludes: “Yes, 2020 has been a difficult year. We lost people. We saw obscurity and exploitation grow, pushing so many people into the arms of despair. We have lost democratic freedoms that generations have sacrificed to have.
But in 2020 he also gave us a great gift. He revealed to us the great, the hopeful, secret that power didn’t want us to know: that everything can be different. That Brecht was right when he said that because things are the way they are, they won’t stay the way they are.
Thank you in 2020 for reminding us. Now it is up to us in 2021 to make the beginning of radical change for the many. All over Greece. In all lengths and in all the widths of the Earth.”
Source: RES-BE