Vanishment Ben Needham: “Fiasco” the Danish DNA test – “I won’t stop while I live”, says his mother

There’s no end to the agony of his mother who’s been looking for her son for 33 years who’s disappeared. Unfortunately, the police confirmed that this is not the same person whose tracks were lost in July 1991 outside their home in Kos. “I will never give up as long as I live,” said 51-year-old mother Kerry who for 33 years has not stopped looking for her son. “I knew it wasn’t him, but there’s always this hope, there’s always this opportunity. It could be someone you don’t expect, it’s always possible. So that’s disappointing, obviously, he told Mirror. “We will not let this prevent us from appealing to other people to present themselves, if they think it could be Ben. We will always receive confidential information. The search continues. It is a case of rebuilding my strength and hope to continue the search,” Kerry said. Her son Ben Needham disappeared in July 1991 at the age of 21 months, when the family from Sheffield, England settled in Greece. The child was last seen playing outside an abandoned farmhouse renovated by his grandparents. Since then the family and the whole island have been looking for little Ben. The prevailing view of his disappearance is that someone grabbed it. The man from Denmark who claimed to be Ben had stated that his grandparents had told him that he had been taken from Kos and had been hidden for many years. Ben’s mother when she heard that the Dane would go on a DNA test kept her cool as this was the third time in a year that someone would be tested to prove the kinship. DNA tests are done by Ben’s blood sample that had taken Boston hospital in Lincolnshire for the usual infant tests. South Yorkshire police went to the Supreme Court in 2012 to be able to take the sample. That move gave Kerry hope that eventually she could find her son.