US: At least 211 Greeks on the deportation list – Over 1 million immigrants were ordered to leave the country

At least 1,445,549 foreign nationals, including 211, are included in the sad list of their Immigration and Customs Enforcement Service (ICE), which records the deportations decided for the country’s immigrants. This list includes Greeks, Asians, Africans and all persons of origin, against whom there is a judicial and irrevocable decision to expel from the US, until 24 November 2024. CORVERSE The ICE has not explained why the return of these persons is difficult or delayed. There are several reasons why ICE may not be able to complete the deportations. ICE may remove foreign nationals from the US who are on a final deportation order by decision of a immigration judge. CORVERSE These include those who have either expressed no fear of their return or those who have been negatively evaluated by a immigration judge. As regards the reasons why there are difficulties in removing a non-American citizen with a definitive deportation order, the following is explained: Non-American citizens can seek a form of protection against deportation, which may include granting asylum, banning removal or protecting under the Convention against Torture. If a non-American citizen is granted any form of protection from deportation, ICE is unable to proceed with the process. The Ministry of Homeland Security believes that each country is obliged to accept the return of its citizens and nationals who are not entitled to remain in the US, as the lack of cooperation from foreign governments delays and in many cases prevents deportation procedures. Due to these, the U.S. government is asking foreign states to take all necessary measures to confirm the citizenship of non-American citizens in the US. This could be done through conducting interviews, early issuing travel documents and accepting the physical return of their subjects by scheduled commercial or charter flights. The lack of cooperation from countries to accept their nationals can lead ICE to list them in non-cooperative countries or list of countries at risk of non-compliance. On a second list, ICE lists 15 countries that do not cooperate with US policy: Bhutan Burma Cuba Democratic Republic of the Congo Eritrea Hong Kong India Iran Laos Pakistan People’s Republic of China Russia Somalia Venezuela ICE also considers that 11 countries are at risk of non-compliance: Bosnia and Herzegovina Burkina Faso Cambodia Gabon Gambia Iraq Jamaica South Sudan Saint Lucia Vietnam