His center pounded or consistently four people to lose their lives according to Timur Head of the military command of the capital of Ukraine. “Unfortunately we already have four dead in the Sevchenkivsky district and three wounded,” Tkachenko said in the Telegram message application after the hammering of Russia talking about “an enemy attack” against this Kiev area. TRANSPARENCY Disasters fell to the Holosivsky district, on the west bank of Dnieper crossing the capital, as well as to the Desnianski district, on the opposite bank of the river. Kiev Mayor Vitali Clitsko on his part said the anti-aircraft defence system has been activated over the city. Fire broke out in an uninhabited building in the Sevchenkivsky district, Klitsko clarified. According to him, windows have been broken in this district in many buildings, including a metro station, while smoke was coming out of an apartment building. An aqueduct has been damaged and garages have been sent to the site. Besides, the Russian forces “attacked downtown” of Zaporizia, in southern Ukraine, resulting in two people being injured, local governor Ivan Fedorov said this morning. An industry office building was damaged, he added.
Ukraine: Four Dead and Three Killed by Russian Attack in Kiev · Global Voices
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