Uber Stories: What type of passenger are you?

Did you ever wonder how a UberTaxi driver sees you when you open the door to his vehicle? Don’t worry, he doesn’t judge you. Just, a driver has lived through his career so many strange incidents, he can now tell the kind of passenger you are from miles away. Many of us get mad at drivers when GPS navigation instructions are heard up to three blocks away or when we wouldn’t listen to the music they play even if they paid us. But have we ever considered which of our own habits as passengers can put a driver in a difficult position? So what are the types of customers that make a race slightly more difficult? Uber’s cooperating drivers are responding! The “King of the Night” He’s had one, maybe two, maybe five more glasses. The notes from the bar are still echoing in his ears, and he’s got to keep having fun in the cab. Once he enters the vehicle, the night continues dynamically and nothing, really nothing, is going to stop his wild party. “A little fresh air, you guys” Summertime, 40 degrees out, air-conditioner at 20 in and the taxi is an oasis of coolness. But not for the passenger. It will open the window, inviting waves of hot air to invade the car and bring them up and down to the temperature, but also to the driver’s mental calm. “Everything is a road” He’s coming down the street, 5 in the afternoon in the middle of Kifisia. The traffic is at its peak, but for the passenger this does not matter at all. Loaded with his shopping and a enviable feeling of confidence, he opens the door and pours himself into the asphalt, ready for everything. “Without coffee I don’t operate” He enters the taxi with the precious glass in his hand, ready to face his day. Except the coffee looks like a time bomb, ready to explode with the slightest sudden movement. Each turn brings a moment of panic to the driver, as the glass moves more and more threateningly, ready to leave its imprint on the seat or on the floor of the car. Bonus points to passengers with glass without cap. All of Uber’s cooperating drivers agree on one: each passenger is unique, as he adds his own unique “pink” to their route! So what kind of passenger are you?