Tyler McBeth for the tie with the trolls: “I chose it to feel Greece in me”

He centered his eyes during the presentation of Stefanos Kasselakis’ book, with which he was wearing. He did not refuse to talk to reporters who approached him about his stylistic choice. He made this choice, to feel as he said, Greece within him. “The reason I chose to wear this tie was to feel Greece a little inside me. Stephen is apparently Greek, we live in Greece and his book “Second chance” was published here,” Tyler McBeth told reporters who approached him. CORVERSE In fact, in the tie Stefanos Kasselakis was also mentioned, telling towards the end of his position, that Tyler “put on a tie with the Evzones, in a token of love towards my country”. Regarding their lives in Greece, Tyler McBeth stressed: “We do not intend to leave Greece. When we got here, we knew it was for a long time. I’m not thinking of going back to America. In our everyday life, when we walk down the street we hold hands – hand but we don’t always do it, so that’s why we don’t get the camera. We don’t do it all the time, whenever we feel it.” About Stefanos Kasselakis’ course he said: “I think this day would come, everyone deserves a second chance. The title of the book fits perfectly in his book. I want to remind you that politicians need a second chance to be re-elected. I completely believe that Stephen will become Prime Minister of Greece one day, I have no doubt about it.” It is worth noting that the same tie was chosen to wear in a public appearance in the past by Stefanos Kasselakis. The President of the Republic Movement had made the same stylistic choice in an event in Nea Ionia during the presentation of the first 20 names that participated in the primary election for the SYRIZA Eurovote.