Following the reactions within her, she released on Thursday (05.09.2024) her own response to MEGA’s series “, which is shown in . Turkey’s Ministry of Defence, as its spokesman had announced earlier, released a documentary, which is already shown on the country’s state television, describing the “theatres” of Greeks in Cyprus, in an attempt to respond to the “Famagusta” series played on Netflix. The documentary focuses on the completion of 50 years since the invasion of Cyprus, talking about “Greek Cypriot terrorists” and “real and painful truths rather than constructed stories”. “Instead of the fantastic series showing disrespect to the sacred memory of our Turkish Cypriot brothers who were massacred unreservedly by Greek Cypriot terrorists, we call on the world to attend the “The 50th Anniversary Documentary” production of our Ministry. This film, with English subtitles, tells the real and painful truths of what really happened, not fabricated stories,” says the Turkish Ministry of Defence’s message on X (former Twitter) about the propaganda documentary. Rum teröristler tarafından acımasızca katledilen Kıbrıs Türkü Kardeşlerimizin aziz hatıralarına büyük Saygısızlık içeren hayal ürünü bir diziyi değil? Bakanlığımızın hazırladığı, uydurma senaryolar yerine tamamen yaşanmış geerçeklerin anlatıldığı “50’nci Yıl Belgeseli”ni İngilizce… — T.C. Millî Savunma Bakanlığı (@tcsavunma) It is recalled that , speaking of “black propaganda of the Greek Cypriot administration of South Cyprus, distorting historical events” and that “this series is a great disrespect to the honored memories of Turkish Cypriots massacred by Greek Cypriot gangs in 1963 – 1974”.
Turkey “answered” to Netflix for “Famagusta” with propaganda videos for 50 years of invasion of Cyprus
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