Turkey: 10 dead and 32 injured by fire in ski resort hotel

At least 10 people died and 32 were injured by a ski resort hotel in the northwest at dawn on Tuesday (21.1.25). As broadcast by Turkish public television TRT, the fire began on the fourth floor of the hotel at the Kartalkaya ski resort of Bolos around 03:30 in the morning and firefighters are still working to extinguish it. CORVERSE The cause of the fire has not yet become known, but according to Bolu governor, Abdulaziz Aydin, it appears that the fire broke out on the restaurant floor. At the eleven-story hotel there were 234 visitors. Bolu Kartalkaya’da büyük otel yangını. Ölü v yaralıların olduğu söyleniyor. İtfaiye ekipleri yangını söndürmek için seferberlik ilan etmiş durumda. ADVERSE — Gebze Yenigün Gazetesi (@gebzeyenigun41) Kartalkaya ski resort, located at the top of Köroğlu mountains north of Ankara, is a popular winter destination, about 38 km from Bolou and 270 km from Istanbul.