Tsipras spoke of the new referendum in the interview – What DID it?

The direct election of the…
President of the Republic by the people, and strengthening the people’s factor with referendums, is planning Alexis Tsipras in the context of the revision of the Constitution, as it reveals
in an interview given to the SKY and Alexis Papahelas.
As emphasised by mr Tsipras, the direct election of the President of the Republic by the people is a “mature thought”. “When you have the ability to get elected mayor, when you have the opportunity to elect a mayor, to have no respect for the President of the Republic?”, asked the prime minister.
Mr Tsipras declares willing to chat on the subject of the powers of the President, clarifies, however, that it does not wish δυαρχία explaining how it is not constructive.
“A key shaft of a review is the mature changes for known glitches, with the aid of the people’s factor, such as referendums,” he stresses.
After specifies that a referendum for constitutional revision is not envisaged, the prime minister clarifies that “the referendum may be advisory. Institutions, that ensure the participation of the people in the review, is the simple analog to δημοψηφισματικό character of the constitutional review” notes.
For a year and a half that fills in the government, spoke of Alexis Tsipras, stating that “in the 1.5 year I had concentrated all it’s been prime ministers who stayed many years in that position”.
“I have learned that, in practice, a big difference (to rule) that, in theory, can mean that. 1.5 this year, I had the luck and the misfortune to spend the most difficult moments of modern history, or at least after the dictatorship. Crunches, high-intensity. I faced tremendous problems: lack of liquidity, economic suffocation, a tough negotiation. On the other hand I’ve had moments of great exaltation, moments of democratic euphoria,” said Alexis Tsipras.
When asked about whether the power has changed him, he replied: “I don’t feel that I have changed as to the value of content and my goals. I am forced each time to seek the best possible result. I can’t say that I’ve changed. I’m more aware of european and international formations, and possibilities of the country”.
“Today, unemployment is 23% the role of a left-wing party is different than the 2007 unemployment was 7%. Today, left and progressive is what can give the perspective of a recovery in the economy and job creation”.
Explaining what went wrong during the negotiation, the prime minister stated that “we calculated different to the German approach, that Europe was counting on more of the political cost from the imposition of a cold logic that would create political damage in Europe. Ultimately that’s not what happened. The progressive forces were unable to cope with the conservative forces”.
“Europe is like a sleepwalker who walks to the cliff and we need someone to awaken”, rated mr Tsipras and to the view that today “awakens from a shock from the extreme right”.
“Right, we considered that the Europe of the treading wrong, we misjudged that it would be enough our own determination to negotiate hard in order to awaken and change direction,” he added.
“The Samaras government had stopped all contact with their partner 6 months ago. The negotiation of the harsh benefited the country. We have reduced the surpluses that they are seeking. We saved resources of 20 billion, we got the word officially, the issue of the debt. There’s been some tough and painful compromises,” he stressed.
The prime minister stressed at the same time, that mr. Samaras “could not carry out the 5th assessment”.
“We had the difficult point of the evaluation, with the least possible losses and wounds. There are wounds on the social body, we need to see how it will heal. I think for the first time after 6 years there is a prospect of recovery,” said mr. Tsipras.