Tourism: The decision of the OMD to raise 7.5% on workers’ salaries in non-main tourist accommodation has been tabled

Today (4.9.2024) was filed by the Pan-Hellenic Federation of Workers in Food and Tourism (POET) in the Ministry of Labour the decision of the OMD concerning their terms of remuneration and work in the non-mains of the whole country. The Collective Labour Convention for workers in non-main tourist accommodation has a duration of 1 year (date of expiry 31.12.2024), retroactive from 1.1.2024 and provides for increases of a total of 7.5% in basic wages. This Convention concerns 22,000 enterprises and some 40,000 workers. At the same time, the WTOET shall take all necessary steps laid down in the law in order to be declared compulsory by the Minister of Labour of the said MAI.