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(Title) Increased unemployment in Crete in June and throughout the country officially dropped by 1%. At 566 000 unemployed
In estimated 566,804 unemployed people in Greece, according to official data from the Employment Service in June. The number is down by 1.03% compared with May. But Crete is one of the regions with the largest percentage increase that seems to touch the 2,15%.
“The official figures do not correspond to reality,” says the “P” the Secretary EKI Vardakis of Socrates, who estimates that the fall in Crete unemployment will reach 20 %…
According to the Employment Service in June, subsidized unemployed than in May declined by 14.96 % having totaled 177.443. While announcing the hiring totaled 117,576, up 3.5% on June 2009. The dismissal (termination of permanent contracts) amounted to 31.296, the maturities of fixed-term contracts and voluntary redundancies 53.256 to 28.592.
The net flow, ie recruitment minus redundancies and departures, the labor market is positive in 4432 additional jobs, while the same size in June 2009 had a negative value -1.910.

According to the Employment Service, the movement of the labor market in June shows the image below:

the roll of the Employment Service SUBSIDISED UNEMPLOYED

All of subsidized unemployment is the number of recipients paid in the corresponding month in June amounts to 177,443 persons from which 171 596 (corresponding to 96.70%) are common subsidized and 5847 (3.30%) tourism jobs are seasonal. The total number of beneficiaries paid at the end of the month remain entitled to the subsidy amounts to 142 678 people.

The whole country was recorded:
– Reduction of total subsidized unemployed (common subsidized and subsidized seasonal tourism jobs) from the previous month, 30,549 people, with a percentage reduction -14,69%.
– Reduce joint subsidized unemployed from the previous month by 13.342 people, with a percentage reduction -7.21% .
– Reduction of subsidized unemployed seasonal tourism jobs from the previous month by 17.207 people, with a percentage reduction of -74.64% and
– Reduce the number of beneficiaries paid at the end of the month still entitled to a grant from the previous month, 11,231 people, with a percentage reduction of 7,3%.

The total of registered unemployed who are entitled to grants but have not been paid within the month of June is 18 399 people over 7898 people last month. Noted that approximately 50% of new registrations with the right grant in June, ends on a fixed-term contracts, especially teachers of public and private sectors.
In this context, it is estimated that the new recordings of “common” unemployed (ie, from termination of a contract of indefinite duration) with right to grant in June did not show significant differences compared to the previous month. Note that the figure was 30,829 people in January this year.

The total of registered unemployed for the month of June 2010 stood at 566,804 people. Of these, 190,087 (33.54%) are registered in the Employment Service for a period equal to or more than 12 months, 376,717 (66.46%) are unemployed registered in the Employment Service for less than 12 months. In the Attica region accounts for 34.09% of unemployed job seekers from across the country and the Region of Central Macedonia accounts for 20,99%

The whole country was recorded:
– Reduction of registered unemployed persons from the previous month in 5916 people, with percentage change -1.03%. The largest decrease was recorded between regions in the South Aegean Region (-22.17%) and the Ionian Islands (-15.49%), while increases were recorded in Attica (+2,49%).
– More long-term unemployed compared to the previous month in 1507 individuals, percent change with 0,80%.
– The largest increase occurs in the North Aegean (2.35%) in Western Macedonia (+2,21%).
All registered persons stated that they are not seeking work for the month of June 2010 stood at 92,315 persons, of whom 24,165 are registered with the Employment Service for a period equal to or more 12 months and 68 150 registered for less than 12 months.


The recruitment advertisements throughout the country for the month of June amounted to 117,576, up 3.5% on June 2009 (113 571). Noted that in June last year the number of advertisements recorded the lowest intake level for that month since 2003 until today.
Notices intake record a decrease compared to the previous month of this year, 6246 people the percentage reduction of -5.04%. The same phenomenon was recorded in previous years, in 2009 the reduction in recruitment between May and June was -10.1% in 2008 was -11%, 2007 was -17% and in 2006 was -7%.

COMPLAINTS indefinite duration contract
Complaints indefinite contract throughout the country for the month of June amounted to 31,296, registering an increase from the previous month in 5839 people, with a percentage increase of 22.9%.

LIXEIS contract for a fixed
The deadlines fixed term contracts across the country for the month of June amounted to 53,256, registering an increase from the previous month by 29.682 people, with percentage increase of 125.9% . This phenomenon observed in previous years and estimated that a significant contract terminations due to teachers of public and private sector, consistent with the data of registered unemployed with the right to grant the month of June.
All complaints permanent contracts and fixed-term contracts expire in June, is 84.552, 63% of which is due to departures from the labor contract that expired term.
This figure is increased by 1.1 % compared with June 2009 (83.596) and 72.4% over the previous months of this year (49 031). The increase between May and June recorded in previous years: 2009 was 87.7% in 2008 was 80.4% in 2007 was 72,5%.

The voluntary departures throughout the country for the month of June amounted to 28,592, reduced by -10.3% compared with June 2009 (31 885) and increased by 13.5% over the previous months of this year (25 183 ).

NET FLOWS Net flows of wage employment in the private sector – namely, the recruitment of less complaints and terminations of contracts less voluntary departures – is positive for the fourth consecutive month, totaling in 4432. The same size in June 2009 had a negative value -1.910.

Peace Karkanaki

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