Tips to protect yourself from the cold

Winter was late but now is here, and the snowy scenery is idyllic, the cold but not unbearable…
To face the low temperatures and stay warm and healthy follow the below tips:
Breathe through your nose
When you are outdoors, try to breathe through the nose and not the mouth. The nose and sinuses warm the air that goes to the lungs and that’s how we feel warmth.
Don’t wear a woolen cap
30% of body heat is lost from the head, and one of the standing advice of the special protection from the cold is to wear a hat. However according to dr. Andrew Καμιλέρι, surgeon-audiologist at the University Hospital of South Manchester, the hat he doesn’t have to be woolen, but of a synthetic material, such as fleece. The synthetic materials provide better insulation of the head from the cold, as well as “trap” air between the cap and the head, with the result that the trapped air acts as extra insulation.
No hands in pockets
According to Tim Χάτσφουλ, by the British Chiropractic Society (BCA), put your hands in your pockets, not helping us to warm up.
“When the hands swing freely at the sides of the body, the muscles are working, thus improving the blood flow to them and be produced body heat,” he explains.
So be sure to wear gloves, so you don’t have to have your hands in your pockets.
Beverages without caffeine
Caffeine prevents the constriction of blood vessels in the cold, but when the vessels are dilated, the heat loss from the body is faster, according to dr. Eddie Χάλονερ, vascular surgeon at University Hospital Lewisham, London. “So, if someone is out in the cold and drinking a hot cup of coffee, you’ll feel faster, that’s cold.
To eat protein
When we eat, the body activates the process of digestion to break down food. The digestion takes several hours, and the duration of heat is generated, the amount of generated heat depends solely on the type of food and the calories it contains. As it explains the clinical dietitian dr Sarah Σένκερ from London, the digestion of proteins (such as poultry, fish, dairy products, legumes) and subsequently of carbohydrates (such as pasta, bread, rice and cereals) produces more heat than the digestion of fats.
Avoid alcohol
In contrast to what many people believe, the alcohol not only warms the body, but causes dilation of blood vessels. So, some time after consumption of the starting the heat elimination from the body, and cold more.