“Thursday will have completed the negotiations in Brussels”

Greek government sources from Brussels have estimated, shortly after the end of the meeting of the Eurogrοup, that the negotiations…
between the representatives of the institutions and the Greek authorities to the european capital will be completed as next Thursday.
According to government circles in Brussels will remain for the continuation of the negotiations, the minister of Finance Euclid Τσακαλώτος, the deputy minister of finance, Giorgos Χουλιαράκης and the minister of Labour and Social Security, Efi Αχτσιόγλου.
The same government sources stressed that all the parties involved in the negotiations believe that we are close to an agreement and that he has done a tremendous job on many issues, such as, for example, in the field of privatisation and in the out-of-court compromise, which is the main strategy of the government to manage the red loans, as well as the closure of the fiscal gap in 2018. According to the same sources, under discussion are the financial margins after completion of the programme, while progress has been made on the practical realisation of the so-called countervailing measures.
In terms of employment, government officials estimated that despite the large differences with the IMF, there is a margin of negotiation to find a compromise. The same factors pointed out that Greece is a member of the eurozone and the EU, and that the Memorandum is clear on the issue of the labour market, indicating that the Greek government can legislate in this area on the basis of european practices. The same government circles pointed out that it has invited a group of experts to decide what are the best european practices you will have to follow Greece in this matter and therefore stressed that there is no disagreement with all the institutions.
With regard to the προνομοθέτηση measures, government sources have indicated that it is a package of 2% of GDP, i.e. about 3.8 billion. euro ( 1.9 billion. euro from the revenue side and € 1.9 billion. euros from the expenditure side). “The fact that we disagree on the amount of the reduction of ENFIA is proof of how far we have gone in this debate,” reported the same sources.
Finally, government officials have stressed that all four institutions emphasize how important it is to provide a timely completion of the evaluation. “Especially the IMF has shown that it wants to negotiate in good faith”, reported the same sources, adding that it would be a shame if risk and again the recovery of the Greek economy.