Three arrests for fake passports at the airport of Aktion!

With forged japanese passports, which they had purchased from the region of Athens, attempted to travel through the airport…
Aktion three nationals of Afghanistan who were arrested by the Police.
In particular, according to the Police, a 24-year-old with the 25-year-old woman and a 25-year-old, attempted to travel by air, by Aktio in Vienna, displaying in control of their travel documents, japanese passports.
However, the officers noted immediately that the passports were fake and proceeded to arrest all three. At the same time, the 24-year-old and the 25-year-old had been with them and the minor son, which had also been supplied with a fake passport by the Japanese authorities.
As it emerged from the investigation of the police, the three arrested had purchased the four fake passports, from an area of Athens, having paid a total of € 4,000.

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