They’re getting a divorce and living together – The state “splits” the Cretans

There are an increasing number of couples who continue to live together even after the release…
divorce! In Crete have been recorded several cases of families that “fell apart” in the cards, while continuing normally, the common course of their lives. The reasons are mainly tax and others related to real estate, legacies, companies, etc. And if this a few years ago would have seemed unthinkable now happens, and in the next house literally.
Of course there is no official data, since the court can’t mention the real reasons of the separation, just moving the process and issued a consensual divorce.
As pointed out by a lawyer in Cretewoman “people really don’t separate they just want to consider them as the member divorced. So submit an application for divorce, and arrive at least as the first discussion of the case in the Courts to be able to rely on the irs and where another need of a divorce or imminent divorce”.
Mass requests
As stated in the information is massively had filed hundreds of applications for divorce in Crete, from 2012 to 2014. However, a lot of it was the couples that stopped the process after initially submitting the request considering that ensuring the “dot” of the dimension could be qualify for the privileges. However, when they found that I had to reach as the document of divorce, in order to be considered officially divorced I moved on.
Indebted or bankrupt enterprises is one of the main reasons where applications are submitted for a divorce, in order to exempt one spouse from the burden that they bear.
The overwhelming taxation, the real estate they have as a couple, the declaration of a separate for each one and, of course, lower-income, the recovery of family allowances or allowances for children are also some of the reasons that lead to the virtual divorces. Even benefits associated with single parent families, even in cases involving workplace can be grounds for divorce in the age of crisis.
The risks
Obviously there are couples who due to the economic crisis led to a really divorces and, of course, it is not possible to calculate which of the applications relate to really, and what in a virtual divorce.
So one can’t calculate how many of those who divide in the … paper after you can, of course, still officially living under the same roof and be separated.
In this case, of course, there are risks because when couples divorce they don’t lose only a “burden” and the privileges of the common life, like stopping to have rights, for example, the one in that material goods or estate acquires the other, etc.