They stole the lawn from a playground in Argyroupoli – Incredible complaint from Mayor Giannis Constantos

In front of an incredible theft, the Greek municipality was found – as Giannis Constantos denounces. According to videos uploaded to social media by the mayor of Greek – Argyroupolis Giannis Constantos unknowns stole part of the lawn that had been placed in a playground a while ago. CORVERSE “In my tenure I have faced everything: theft, carnation. There is this small part of society that is sick and works at the expense of the rest. That we would be robbed of the new lawn that entered the square of Eleon in Greek, it truly transcends me. Wonder what you’re gonna do with it, feed sheep and goats? “ The mayor wonders. In the video he even uploaded the spot where strangers stole the lawn from the square.