They put a GPS in the cosmic cloud-kamikaze

A giant cloud is on a collision course with our galaxy, The collision is expected to cause the birth of millions of new stars.
NASA released new details and images of the cloud of the last comments made on it with ground and space telescopes. Scientists now know the origin, the speed, the course and the outcome of the cloud. They know the time, the point and the result of the conflict.
The cloud
The cloud was discovered 50 years ago by the fledgling american astronomer Gail Smith and took her name. The cloud of “Smith” has been spotted by the astronomer to be moving at a distance of tens of thousands of light-years from our galaxy. Since then, the data that had been collected for the fallout that scientists were not able to reveal important data such as speed, direction, etc.
In the last years more and more powerful ground and space telescopes have allowed better observation. Some time ago researchers using telescopes VLA and GBT have detected the cloud at a distance of 8,000 light-years from the Galaxy.
The calculations made show that if the cloud continue to move so it will fall over in the Galaxy in about 30 million years. New observations made with the Hubble space telescope reveal important data to the cloud.
Will revive the Galaxy
Scientists on the basis of the new data estimate that the cloud started his journey towards the milky way before about 70 ec. years. Estimate that the cloud is moving at a speed greater than 1 cm. km/hour and will collide with our galaxy in about 30. years.
This conflict it is estimated that it will result in the birth of about two. stars similar to the Sun. It is also expected to lead to the birth of a large number of stars will have a short shelf life and will self-destruct in supernova explosions.

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