Video document from breaking into by four thugs, who broke the alarm that was ringing, with a crowbar. The burglars turn the house upside down in Assiro in Thessaloniki, it is only 8 in the afternoon. They wear hoods and gloves so they don’t leave prints while holding lenses. CORVERSE For five minutes they’ve been searching all the premises for money and jewelry. “Luckily the children weren’t there 4 people were I don’t want to think if the children were in. We are completely unprotected,” said the father of the victim of the break-in. They left behind chaos The picture that the couple faced when the next day returned to his home were broken doors and windows and all objects on the floor. Cameras, alarms, and iron doors are placed by the residents in Assiro in their homes to protect them as much as possible from burglars. In some cases, however, burglars are bold and ruthless. On another occasion, they invaded a district home by cutting off the iron fence of the plot where 5 dogs were lying throwing stones. ADVERSION “I didn’t have locked up until now because I say with five dogs what fool will go in. They were thrown with big stones, the dogs were scared. Two even disappeared for one day. They took the woman’s gold money they couldn’t find,” the burglar said. Residents are patrolling The incidents of burglaries and robberies in the area are almost daily reported by residents who decided to take action. Indignant now the residents in Assiro decide to start patrols themselves every night, as they had done five years ago. “We put volunteers, put the costs, the gas and so on, and we arranged and took shifts, that is, 2 people per 4 hours like this, and now it’s like that. This is already being discussed and within the next few hours it will be done.”
Thessaloniki: The invasion of 4 thugs in a house, stole money and jewelry
in Greece