Thessaloniki: Dead soldier of thyroid surgery at 424 Military Hospital

After the police officer’s suit against any officer in 424 brought to light a new incident, which led to the death of 27-year-old soldier. On November 3, 2023, Nikos Gatsis, who served his service, was subjected to thyroid removal surgery and lymph nodes cleaning, at 4 24 Thessaloniki Military Hospital. Three hours after surgery, he left his last breath in the hospital room. His father denounces the hospital for mistakes and omissions that deprived his son’s life. As told to ANT1 by Mars Gatsis “The mistake was made in the surgery because a vein was found folded with thread but also metal thread and on the other hand there was also a severed artery which they closed without seeing if it was running or not bleeding and they didn’t even put in any tubes they put in to check at any time if there is bleeding inside. The doctor left before my son recovered. My son came out and we were there with my brother and the paramedic and he was saying, (my son) I have short breath, we were telling them there’s no one to see the child? They tell me he’ll go upstairs and the doctors will come. I went in front of the nurse, says my son has shortness of breath, I ask her no doctor will come? The doctors will come through there is no problem don’t worry at all.” Almost a year later, Mars Gatsis has still received no answers about his child’s death. “What happened with the policeman, similar to my son, kept his histology for 8 months. Something is happening there in Thessaloniki in 424 should have closed for me. They keep the answers as long as they can, it’s been a year since I’ve received no reply, the EDE has been out for two months, they’re telling me they’re making more additional deposits,” he told ANT1. And when the cancer had already metastasized to other organs, with the powers left to it, he struggles not to find others in his own condition. According to military sources, at the military hospital, at the time the officer was operated on, there was only one pathologist who handled many cases. Officially, though, the hospital hasn’t given any answers about exactly what happened. The Minister of National Defence in order to determine why the results of the 53-year-old’s biopsy were delayed.