These are the super foods of summer

Sea, sun and hot debilitate the body and the strength…
and any small imperfection in the winter overlooked it,
now it seems to us
more intense than ever.
So, while we are well into mid-summer, the trend for care k care of the body becomes more necessary than ever.
Nature has provided well, to protect us from the adverse consequences of the era, giving us foods with miraculous nourishment, and effect on the body!
Strawberries, a powerful antioxidant weapon
Registered trademark of summer are the strawberries, which are overflowing with vitamin C. Are a powerful antioxidant k can meet the daily needs of an average adult with just 2/3 cup.
Along with the unquestionably beneficial effect, they are just a touch in our daily lives, can be combined in salads, in sweets or pure, or mixed with other fruits and satisfy your taste palate.
Watermelon, the star of hydration
For most, it means a summer without watermelon. At a time when the dehydration is an important enemy of the skin, and the combination of the hot sun aggravates the elasticity and freshness of the skin, the watermelon comes to give the solution. It is the most hydrating fruit this summer with water at a rate of 92%!
Dispelling the dietary myths about the calories, only 32 per serving, while at the same time is a rich source of vitamin C, beta-carotene as well as lycopene that helps to prevent cancer and protect the heart.
Tomatoes, Peppers
Vegetables rich in vitamin C, antioxidants and lycopene (tomato), can complement ideally our meals, creating colorful salads and cooling the palate of our warm evenings.
The enrichment of the salad, or the daily food with a few tablespoons of corn can strengthen the body and our immune.
Is a rich source of B vitamins, an essential ingredient for the production of energy, preventing fatigue and exhaustion from the heat, while at the same time protects it from damage caused by solar radiation.
From the category “antidotes” to the dehydration could not miss the tea. A glass of ice next to a beach, on the promenade or on the job may not just moisturize instantly the body, but to relieve and refresh you from the heat as an antioxidant and tasty beverage.
Key health and beauty
Nature, therefore, supplies us with weapons to maintain the freshness of the skin, prevent wrinkles and preserve a strong immune system that is reflected as the health in our face!
The selection of the above foods on a daily basis, is the key to maintaining the health and beauty of skin. Just make sure to be as much as possible fresh in order to retain the nourishing substances and palatability.