These are the health and home risks from drying clothes in the radiator

During the winter months, most of us are forced to spread our indoors, since low temperature and increased humidity do not allow their rapid drying. However, there are few who choose to spread their clothes on the radiators to speed up the drying process. CORVERSE However, radiator experts from warn that this practice can cause serious problems in your home, as well as in your health, while the possibility of damaging your clothes is visible. “It may seem an easy solution, but you really need to avoid this practice” points out Andy Ellis from “You may cause damage to your favorite clothes and over time you may need to replace your radiator” he emphasises. CORVERSE And he adds: “In addition to the financial consequences, you may cause health problems. Poor indoor air quality and increased humidity levels favor the appearance of mold that leads to flu-like symptoms.” Six reasons not to dry your clothes in the radiator Waste energy When you dry your clothes on the radiator, you waste energy. If the bodies are covered in clothes, then the heat is trapped and therefore the efficiency of the heating bodies that disperse heat into the rooms of the house is reduced. This means that the boiler works harder to warm the room and thus increases energy costs. Increase in moisture The drying of the clothes in the radiators releases moisture into the air, which then evaporates into the atmosphere. Over time moisture leads to mold formation and can cause problems in the building blocks of the house as well as inflatedness and peeling of walls. Health problems Humidity and poor indoor air quality can have negative effects on the health of the occupants and worsen respiratory diseases (such as asthma), but also cause allergic reactions. This can be particularly dangerous for young children and elderly people. Fire hazard Some of the clothes found near radiators may ignite resulting in fire risk occurring. The risk increases if you leave the house without overseeing the drying or forget to remove the clothes. Damage to the radiator The moisture from the clothes can penetrate the metal and lead to erosion and rust. Over time, oxidation can damage the radiators and you may need to replace them. Fluorescence in clothing The heat of radiators can cause damage to textiles. Over time, heat can lead to discoloration of clothes, since clothes will begin to fade.