These are the best cities in the world to study [photos]

What is the best place in the world to study with someone? The experts…
data of higher education QS have produced a league table based on factors such as affordable prices, the desire, the academic standards and employment prospects.
10. Seoul
The metropolis of Seoul, in South Korea, it seems the obvious choice for a prospective student, but the important employment opportunities for their graduates to help the city get into the top 10.
9. Berlin
Berlin came in -and not unfairly – in the top 10 ranking of best student cities for quality of life and affordability. It is also the ideal destination for the existence of the environmental students: it is Estimated that 44% of the capital of Germany is made up of parks, recreational areas, forests, and rivers.

8. Hong Kong
The quality of life and the labour market with thousands of open positions lead Hong Kong in eighth place in this year’s ranking, but the expensive rents can be a barrier for some students. Restaurants and shopping malls remain open until very late in Hong Kong.

7. Montreal
All canadian cities have a remarkable quality of life, but the advantage of Montreal is the mixing of students, since it attracts a huge number of students from all over the planet.

6. Singapore
Singapore is the ideal city for a student, and as writes the Guardian, with a slight improvement in the universities of the city could, in future, to conquer the first place.

5. London
Despite the fact that it has almost top rated in terms of the mix of students, quality of life and the huge number of top universities, expensive rentals have a “throw” of London from third place last year and second two years ago.

4. Sydney
The largest city of Australia has a very good score only with regard to the top of the universities or the affordable prices. Quality of life, like the sun, attracting students from all over the world. Sydney also is a must for those who want to study fashion design, since it is the only city on the list that features the annual fashion show for ducks.

3. Tokyo
Tokyo is rated as extremely attractive to students, with the top score to receive the quality of life. It is very good for employment prospects of the graduate, however, the lack of international students, it cost him a place this year.

2. Melbourne
Melbourne is the ideal place for students and this is reflected in the score. He got an a for employment prospects, for the mixing of students and a good quality of life.

1. Paris
Eighteen universities that can compete with all the rest on the world stage, a good quality of life and a strong labour market. Paris holds in his hands the first place for the third consecutive year.