Theophania Papathomas: “I don’t fall to the floors for a love, I don’t become a mop”

‘ No one can escape love, because you don’t choose him, he chooses you. You will fall for the banana peel,” said the . For love, Theophania Papathomas spoke honestly on the camera of the show “Happy Day”, on the occasion of the presentation of George Kokotou’s new book, “Skoufa Street girl”, based on love. CORVERSE The quote aired Thursday morning (16.01.2025). The well-known actress stressed that love for her is refreshing but also dangerous and those who try to avoid him will eventually end up stepping on the “banan peel”. “Love is refreshing. It’s a driving force, but it’s also a very big trap, because it’s a scam. No one can escape love, because you don’t choose him, he chooses you. You will fall for the banana peel,” he said. CORVERSE At another point he explained how he is trying to deal with the difficulties calmly without becoming a “songwriter”. “I’m not that type. I’m a happy man. I don’t fall on the floors. I manage everything with my temper. I am sad, but I do not become a mop,” he said. Theofania Papathoma broke up with Gregory Petrakos in late 2023, after 10 years of relationship. Despite their separation, the couple remain united to raise their 2 daughters, 10-year-old Love and 8-year-old Athena.