Themis Adamandidis: He claims he experienced a miracle – “something happened that took me ashore”

He refers again to the adventure he lived in 1988 on a sailboat. He remembers the images he lived and talks about. The popular singer argues that he believes deeply and that with God’s help, he has managed to give flesh and blood to a series of his childhood dreams. In an interview with Alpha’s Happy Day he says: “I believe only in God and I have experienced a miracle when I finally escaped drowning at sea. Something happened that took me ashore,” confesses Themi Adamandidis. CORVERSE Previously he had reported: “In 1988 I was with a sailboat at sea when he caught a crazy burrito. The air took my steering wheel and ropes out of my hands and within a moment I found myself thrown into the sea, alone and helpless, drowning.” “I went down, sank, surrendered, and while my body sank I felt something inside me rising upward. I felt really good and there I realized I was dying. I thought of my first son.” “I begged God to save me and said to myself: “I’m not coming. I’m not going. I have a little child, I have an obligation to raise it.” And then, in a few minutes, the air stopped, the sea became oil and I came to the surface.” In this adventure was mentioned again Themi Adamandidis. “No, we are not talking to Barbara Circe. We are not enemies, but we have no communication. All right… go this,” the singer replies for his ex-partner, while admitting that he is not in love at this time.