The wilderness of the streets…

Writes οΝεκτάριος Κατσιλιώτης
In the last few years the streets are empty, and when it’s cold, not having a soul…
Weekends only there is a movement in the taverns ,the cinema and the θεατρά for entertainment.
Everyone is trembling for his life.There is even a police guard.
The first reason for this neglect is the absence of large salaries and allowances.
Now,the money arriving only for the payment of loans and state taxes.
The second ,more minor,is why in the store or in the cafeteria are prohibited the political and social words in accordance with the harmonisation with the last provision of the constitution on ευκοσμίας.
So,fearing the hidden charges,they take the necessary now and of designer shops and stuck in the house for tv.