The white chocolate and the nutritional value

The white chocolate has a lot of fans. Stands out for its special taste…
Comes as the rest of the species from the fruit of the tree Theobroma cacao (Greek: food of the gods), known as the cocoa tree.
The scientific data we have today indicate that the white chocolate contains several important ingredients, such as carbohydrates, essential amino acids, minerals and trace elements, but also some other stuff that I have to be careful as the saturated fat and cholesterol.
The downside is that it’s made from cocoa butter and it has a little more calories, poorer quality fat and more cholesterol. It also contains very good amounts of calcium. Has no caffeine and θειοβρωμίνη, for this has not been particularly stimulating, and addictive action.
For this reason it is a good option for people who avoid caffeine. Depending on the combinations that can be marketed in various types, such as white chocolate with nuts or grains of rice, with fruit (e.x. raisins) etc. The calories range in the 550 – 580 per 100 grams, with light variations depending on the species.
So in conclusion we would say that the white chocolate is a food rich in nutrients, however contains sugar, fat and calories. For this reason, measure the quantity that we consume.