The water of the sea is good for us!

The sea water has a multitude of beneficial properties that are good for the body and the skin. Let’s meet them…
Swimming in the sea gives us coolness, makes our mood and calms us down. Outside of these, however, the characteristics of the sea water remaining in Greece, it’s good for the body, internally and externally.
It is beneficial for the blood
The sea salt contains a large amount of vitamin C, which fights against free radicals. Also has a high content of magnesium, which contributes to the action of antioxidants. Therefore, the sea salt is able to detoxify the cells of your skin properly and absorb all the dirt, dust and toxic materials from them.
A natural peeling
You can also use sea salt as a natural peeling. The texture of the salt helps remove the outer layer of dead skin cells. This is also the reason why after the summer holidays most people have for a long time, better tone on their skin and a more clean appearance in face and body.
Skin velvet
It has been observed that regularly swim in the sea can enhance the tone of the skin to a great extent. The magnesium in the salt can prevent the fluid retention from your skin, keeping it smooth, firm and youthful.
Goodbye to acne and infections
The calcium content of sea salt can help in cleaning the blocked pore of the skin. If you have acne on your skin, then the sea salt is what’s best for you. Keeps your skin clean, reducing the chances of infections on the skin.