Peaked on Sunday 22 May, the festive and religious events in honour of the Holy new Martyrs of …
our faith Demetriou and Paul, Patron saints of Tripoli.
After the end of the Vespers was followed by a procession of the Sacred Relics of the Holy new Martyrs and of the Holy Skull of the Martyr Demetrios, in the city of Tripoli.
His Eminence Metropolitan of Mantinea and Kynouria mr. Alexander, the invited Bishops, συνεόÏτασαν both the eve and the day in religious events, Priests, Deacons and Monks of the Diocese participated with solemnity in the Procession around the city of Tripoli.
The ΙεÏοψάλτες, the Army, the Security forces, the Philharmonic of the Municipality, students, Associations, and entities of Arcadia were those who with excellent organisation and assistance, have helped to place excellent the Procession.
The Tripoli celebrated their ΠολιοÏχους! [video]