The Tempe rally brings reshuffle: What are the government’s “weak” links?

In the new political environment, after the mass rallies for Tempes, last Sunday, and with opposition parties organizing parliamentary initiatives against his government, he, as they all show, speeds up, both in the composition of the Cabinet and in the Maximus Palace. The suggestions received by the Prime Minister, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, are to proceed as soon as possible to reform and to substantial corrective moves in the government scheme. CORVERSE He allegedly has not shared his thoughts, but his interlocutors appreciate that he will move in this direction. In fact, they predict that a reshuffle originally expected at the beginning of the summer or before ITH, early autumn, may take place after the election of the new President of the Republic, which is placed on February 12. To the “breakable” of the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure Whether changes in government will be structural or seminal, with emphasis on the deputy ministers, remains to be seen. But what everyone appreciates the Prime Minister to do is the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure’s “breakable”. One on public transport and the other on infrastructure. The ‘weak links’ Current Transport Minister Christos Staikouras is reportedly the “weak link” in the current composition of the government, for two reasons. The dissatisfaction with his face at Maximos Palace is related, firstly, to delays in his portfolio and the problems in transportation in Athens and Thessaloniki, and secondly to the fact that he has avoided “coming forward” on the issue of Tempes. CORVERSE Before leaving the government, the Deputy Minister for Climate Crisis and Civil Protection, Christos Triantopoulos, who is at the heart of severe criticism, even within the South, is estimated to be on his way to the next day of the tragedy, as responsible for coordinating and monitoring actions and actions “on the field”, in Tempi. Changes and the Maximus Mansion? A key factor for the reconstruction will be whether George Geraptrite will remain in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or whether he will return to Maximus Mansion. In fact, it is said that even taking a vice president position in the government has been discussed. Although there is this movement, then the changes that will result in the composition of the Cabinet, due to “carambolas”, can be broad. Center right or center? What is also strongly discussed within the “blue” party is the stigma that Mr Mitsotakis will want to give with the reconstruction. Will the turn to the right that was marked by the choice of two centre-right officials for the two state offices, Costas Tasoulas for the Presidency of the Republic and Nikitas Kaklamanis for the Presidency of the Parliament continue? Will he want to mark the attachment to the centre and maintain centrifugal persons in the ministries or choose to enter other persons from the centre into the new government? Both questions remain to be answered in the reshuffle, whenever it is routed.