The stress usually is not a cause of the dermatosis, but an aggravating factor

“The skin of our dermatologists is the mirror of the soul of a man…
However, in very few cases the stress is the ακραιφνής cause of skin diseases,” says professor of Dermatology, Venereology, president of the Hellenic society of Dermatology & venereology, Dimitris Rigopoulos at “Agency FM” and on the show 104,9 SECRETS of HEALTH’s Μαντουβάλου.
“When you have stress and you already have a skin disease, this will only get worse. That is, the itching, the rash, all of these will worsen. It doesn’t mean, however, that when you have a skin disease and give you a stress reliever, it will disappear on the skin condition. When you already have a skin disease and you don’t have stress or reduce the stress, it will go a little better to a lot. I.e. causally the stress can’t be connected easily, with some diseases common – I leave a little margin, of course, because the medicine is not mathematics”, said mr Rigopoulos.
The neurodermatitis is purely stressful causes
As explains mr. Rigopoulos, purely stressful skin disease, is the neurodermatitis. “The name says, neurodermatitis, is purely a somatization of stress, i.e. expression of stress on the body, on the skin. Is a common skin disease, not only the elderly, but young people, who are working, stressed and even from just day to day things. The symptoms are intense itching in specific spots, certain hours, usually the hours when the person is resting, because when the mind is busy there’s no time to think about it to scrape your skin, and created a perpetual cycle of regular. If not interrupted this cycle, I can not stop the dermatitis, which creates and rash”
Psoriasis, the most common skin condition that is exacerbated due to stress
However, in accordance with the main Ρηγόπουλο the most common skin condition that is exacerbated due to stress, psoriasis. “Because it often becomes confusing, the psoriasis has nothing to do with scabies, which is contagious. Psoriasis is a disease non-contagious, which may have a hereditary burden and some factors, precipitating, contributing to the emergence and worsening of the disease. However, if you look back in older textbooks of dermatology, we would see that it is described everywhere, as άκνησμο disease, i.e., not itching, however, the act tells us that many patients today complain of itching, others strong, others less. And perhaps this shows the correlation with the stress. Maybe people today have more stress, and therefore exhibit more easily the itching. Psoriasis make a rash characteristic, identified in specific locations, usually in the elbow, scalp, knees”.
Psoriasis is not a social stigma
With regard to the cases of psoriasis in Greece, mr. Rigopoulos stresses: “I don’t know if they have increased as facts, or if the whole of this campaign we do the dermatologists, the Dermatology Company, with the help of your own in the last few years, has pushed the patient to get out of the house and to seek help. It is very important that we are demonstrating to the patient that there is this disease, and, in particular, that is not a social stigma and that they can find help. Maybe in that sense they have increased the incidents. On the substance have shown the facts, because in the past, I have been communicating, be ashamed or consider it incurable. And, of course, today there are many modern medicines and possibilities of therapeutic intervention. To be clear, however, at this point, that we don’t have any medicine, healing. There is control of the disease. The patient becomes a hundred percent well, with many new drugs, but but or psoriasis is there. That is, the patient if you stop the treatment, at some point, the disease will come back”.
Stress and melanoma
According to mr Ρηγόπουλο, there are some studies that associate, with a complicated mechanism, the stress with the increased risk to develop melanoma, in some cases. But this doesn’t mean that anyone who has stress that will be present melanoma. But it seems to be an aggravating factor. There are also newer studies, which is associating the appearance of melasma (dark spots) with the stress”.
Don’t hesitate to ask for psychological support for stress
In any case, the distinguished dermatologist recommends patients to not hesitate to ask help from a specialist, to combat stress, in this case by the therapist or by the therapist, and urges the world to accept that it is a daily reality and necessity.