The six serious dangers of overconsumption of sugar

The more sugar you eat, the more it is in danger of losing his life from a serious cardiovascular problem…
Sugar increases the calories that hires no one and therefore can lead to obesity, which, in turn, is framed for increase of blood pressure.
In addition, the overconsumption of added sugars (sugar, fructose, honey etc.) is associated with an increase in triglycerides, which also affect cardiovascular health.
It may also adversely affect glycemic control (blood sugar levels) in people at high risk of or with overt diabetes mellitus type 2, which is also a risk factor for cardiovascular disease.
Scientists from the Centers for Control & Prevention of Diseases (CDC) in the USA analysed data from 42.880 volunteers and reached the conclusion that the more the added sugar in the daily diet the greater the risk for cardiovascular health – with the consumption of more than 10% of daily calories from added sugar to is the most damaging.
The six significant risks
On the basis of the scientific studies, the overconsumption of sugar is associated with:
-Increase body weight
-Increase in triglycerides in the blood
-Disorder of glucose (sugar) in the blood in people with type 2 diabetes or an increased risk to develop
-Tooth decay
-Indirect (due to obesity and a negative effect in the glycaemic control) increase the risk of cancer
-Increase the risk of manifestation of dementia
How much sugar is recommended for good health
The World Health Organization recommends that added sugars should not exceed 10% of daily calories (i.e. 200 calories in the average diet of 2,000 calories).
Given that a teaspoon of sugar provides around 20 calories, the measured consumption (l.x. one-two cups of coffee a day with 1-2 teaspoons of sugar or a couple of sweets a week) in the context of a balanced diet is not a risk for people who do not have health problems, as long as there is some form of systematic physical activity.

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