The public partnership with the Onassis Foundation for 22 Public “Onisia” was presented on Monday morning (20.01.25) at the Maximos Palace under the Prime Minister. These are 22 existing public schools, 11 Gymnasiums and 11 Lyceia, which, as Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis pointed out, will join the “Onisia” within the next 18 months, and concern the following 11 areas: Kolonos and Kipseli, Menidi, Perama, Peristeri, Kordelio, Kozani, Rhodes and Heraklion Crete. ADVERSION “With this partnership we increase the number of Standards and Experimental Schools by 50%. We took the example from the Onassis Heart Surgery Center, as there is a need to increase educational innovations. The goal is to start with 6 next September, with reason to start all 22 in September 2026,” said Minister of Education Kyriakos Pierrakakis. CORVERSE As he said, up to EUR 1 million is the ceiling per school unit in terms of the money that Onassis will give. He explained that admission will take place every September, as is the case with Standards Schools, while those attending will already graduate normally. Mitsotakis: ‘Equal opportunities for all students’ “Today’s donation is special, because we want to create together a new type of public school that will “step” on the great know-how,” Kyriakos Mitsotakis stressed at the same time. “Our goal is to be able to add even more cognitive experiences to our students. In the next 18 months 22 schools in areas facing economic and social challenges will join the program of “Onasean Schools”, he completed. As Mr Mitsotakis pointed out, “The Onassis Foundation has already recorded a rich public service project, in health, education, culture.” And he added: “It is very important that these schools and their infrastructure will also be open to students from other schools. The strengthening of the standard schools was in our election program. We need to get more. We are talking about EUR 160 million over a 12-year period for a programme that will benefit nearly 30,000 students. A liberal government, such as ours, advocates equal opportunities, so that children from areas with problems have access to the best education that the state can offer them.” “I am sure these schools will become sought after. Central choice is equal opportunities and this has always been at the heart of the country’s progress. Public Onassis Schools will give additional support to a public education system that has its problems. Our goal is not only to give opportunities to charismatic children, but to learn lessons about the future,” the Prime Minister concluded. Papadimitriou: “We strengthen public education without altering its character” “This year is marked by important anniversaries as they have been completed 50 years since the foundation of the Onassis Foundation, 30 years from the Onassis Cardiosurgical Center and 15 from the Onassis Foundation roof. In the Onassis Foundation we believe that the best way to honor the past is to act in the present and help the future,” the president of the Onassis Foundation Antonis Papadimitriou pointed out. And go on: “Our cooperation was flawless and we are now ready, added Mr Papadimitriou thanking the Prime Minister for his interest. In the next 12 years they will graduate 12,000 students, the institution will spend 160m euros and be present to ensure proper operation in the future. For us every donation is a commitment that we honor timelessly with all powers. We strengthen public education without altering its character.” “We build the school that will be loved by students, teachers and parents. We hope to give those who do not belong to the elitist, the opportunities they deserve. We do not replace the state but we are present as supporters taking on the debt we owe,” concluded Mr Papadimitriou.
The signatures for the 22 public “Onisia” Schools fell in 11 areas: From Kolonos and Kipseli to Rhodes and Heraklion Crete
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