The secrets of the perfect suitcase

Travel a lot they loved it, packing it yet. If you have a suitcase for a mini getaway, these are the tips that will get you…
save time and effort.
The festive season presents the perfect opportunity for a winter getaway. Can your mood to rise to the heights when you book your vacation, but when you’re facing the open but empty suitcase you wish to know where to start and where to finish. Keep reading and make the perfect bag to keep your style, keep warm, and…smooth.
A good start with a λίσταΜια week before your trip, start a list of things that you take with you. Observed the daily routine so as not to leave anything necessary out of the toiletry bag. Consider the climate in your destination and make a list of what you’ll need to download it from the loft, to send to the dry cleaners or even to buy. The most important thing is that you will have a good idea of what you don’t need to don’t παραφορτώσεις your suitcase.
Loved the layering If your destination is cold-and probably is – preferred to pack a lot of finer clothes instead of bulky wool. Apart from saving space, you can change your temperature depending on the conditions. Don’t forget that the layering is one of the hottest trend of the season!
Smart ρούχαΣτη your closet there are definitely some very special pieces, but there will be a lot more flexible that you can combine in different ways for different results. He preferred to base your travel wardrobe in this kind of clothes (e.g. a tight jeans, a dress pants in a neutral color, a white shirt, a midi skirt) so as to create a lot of looks with the fewest possible pieces.
Chromatic παλέταΈνας another way to make sure that your clothes will be can easily combined is to confine yourself to one color palette. A good choice -especially for winter travel – is to include enough dark shades will camouflage any sweat wrinkles in the clothes but also to “save” from any μικρολεκέδες until you get back to your hotel.
The most difficult part……isn’t choosing the clothes that will take, but the shoes! We know that you probably don’t want to part with your favorite couples, but for a trip you’ll have to choose wisely the 3 better. Choose a pair of suitable for long hours of walking in the sights, a warm pair of boots for the colder days, classic evening pumps. Choose to wear the heavier or more bulky than those on your trip and put pairs of socks and bags of underwear inside the other to save space.
Not anymore δίπλωμαΑν still fold carefully every article of your clothing before you put it in your suitcase then you might want to rethink if it is proven that you wrap your clothes in rolls not only saves space but also prevents you from being crashed. For t-shirts for example, fold the sleeves, lay them on thin sheets of paper (like what they use at the dry cleaners) to prevent creasing and make a tight roll.
Think practically……and take with your small bottles with the toiletries, instead of the normal, large, packages. You will find small bottles in pharmacies and in shops with toiletries. Don’t forget to put a label with the name of each product to stand out easily but also to close them well. For extra protection, wrap each bottle in a small pouch for snacks.