The herbs taste wonderful to our taste, while depending on each recipe, they can be added during cooking or accompany our dishes with their aromas. Apart from the oregano, thyme, laurel and rosemary that we usually use in the foods in dried form, there are other herbs, such as parsley, dill and mint that we want to remain fresh and not wither, obtaining tinted leaves. CORVERSE Below, you will find useful tips to store the herbs you buy from the local market or the grocery store in your neighborhood to maintain their freshness and aromas for a longer period of time. How to keep herbs for five days If you want to keep your herbs fresh for a short time, you can place them in a glass of water, just like a bouquet of fresh flowers. This applies mainly to the tunic of parsley or flower. Make sure to change the water once a day. The herbs are expected to be kept fresh for five days. CORVERSE How to keep them for a week One of the most effective means of storing herbs is kitchen paper. After washing your herbs to remove soils and any insects, cut their stems and remove the “damaged” leaves. Then wrap the herbs on kitchen paper after wetting it. Then put your herbs in bags of food storage with zipper or in a container that closes airtightly to limit the air entrance. Then place the bags or container in the refrigerator. This way you can keep your herbs for a week. How to keep them for 20 days A similar way is to place the herbs inside tapers. By this method, you must put a fresh kitchen paper on the surface of the taper and then add your herbs after washing them thoroughly. The last step before closing the cap is to put an extra fresh paper on top of them. Then you can place the tapper in the refrigerator to keep it for 20 days. How to keep them for longer But if you do not intend to use your herbs immediately, then you can place them in the freezer. First, you must wash your herbs thoroughly to remove soils and insects. After chopping them, you can place them in iceboxes. Next, add a minimum amount of olive oil if you want to use them to make soups. By this method, your herbs will be kept fresh for longer.
The secret to keep your herbs fresh for more days
in Lifestyle