The Ministry of Environment and Energy ( ) does not proceed with the examination of the huge floating park that plans a company in the Ambraki Gulf, as the project goes far beyond the provisions of the regulatory framework. This was the answer RIS gave to the House on the issue after a question from SYRIZA and the New Left, thus reassuring the residents of the region. More specifically, the existing framework provides under Law 4951/2022 for the licensing of up to ten pilot marine photovoltaics with a power of 0.5 to 1 megawatts each. However, the project at issue has declared a total power of 7,000 megawatts, so it is obvious that it does not comply with the minimum provisions of the legislation. CORVERSE The competent directorate of the RIS has not issued an Environmental Terms Approval Decision (AGPO) and no environmental authorisation request for a PF/B floating park in the Ambrac Gulf is pending. The RIS response also showed that the new specific spatial planning framework of RES, which is expected soon, will also contain provisions for PV vessels. As Deputy Energy Minister Alexandra Sdoukou said in this regard, during the environmental approval process of the E.C.E. for RES, public consultation with services, bodies and the public is foreseen, as well as the opinion of the National Regional Planning Council in accordance with the applicable legislation. The next period of time is scheduled for the public consultation of the new country-class proposal.
The RIS is not examining the ‘faraonic’ marine photovoltaic in Ambraki
in Enterprise