The shower is not only about personal hygiene, but also about cleansing the skin and its . And body care depends on everyone’s habits and preferences. CORVERSE Most people tend to take a hot shower at night to relax after a long day at work. However, many enjoy taking a shower once they wake up for more freshness and better spiritual clarity. But when is it better? Morning or evening? According to experts, the evening shower offers more benefits to your body than in the morning. CORVERSE Dermatologists report that showering at night can help you sleep faster – ten minutes earlier than usual – and enjoy more quality sleep, since melatonin is released. In addition, hot water offers additional benefit, as the body core temperature decreases, sending a signal that your body needs to rest. If you also suffer from muscle pains after a difficult day at work, a hot shower is the perfect antidote. Warm water helps to relax the “catched” muscles and prevents leg cramps. However, the benefits are not limited only to the muscles, since the evening shower is better for your skin and hair. By washing your hair at night, you will have more time to let them dry, as you will have no rush, as it happens in the morning, that you must leave directly for work. By preventing moisture trapped in the scalp, your hair will look brighter and healthier for longer. At the same time, the evening shower will keep your skin clean, helping you get rid of bacteria and dirt accumulated during the day, whether it is environmental pollutants, or simply sweat and natural body oils. In addition, evening showers are best for those who have dry and oily skin, as they contribute to skin hydration. In addition, harmful micro-organisms in combination with pollutants can cause skin irritation if you carry bacteria into your pillowcase and sheets. As it is known, during sleep skin cells are renewed, therefore, your skin must be clean so that it can breathe and regenerate without blocked pores. In addition, hot showers at night can relieve you of seasonal allergies. If you suffer from seasonal allergic rhinitis, the hot shower before sleep reduces the chances of transporting allergens (greed, dust) to your sheets. Finally, the cool shower in the evening reduces physical odors, limiting stress levels that cause night sweats.
The reason you always have to shower at night instead of in the morning
in Lifestyle