The pressure on Iran will increase, warns PRESIDENT OF USA

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(Title) The U.S. president, Barack Obama warned Iran that continuing its nuclear program will reinforce its isolation and international pressure against him, just before it ratified the bill provides for the imposition of tougher sanctions against Tehran.

This bill strengthens the existing legislation on financial sanctions in an effort to persuade Iran to abandon its nuclear program. The main objective is to prevent the supply Iran with fuel. Iran, although it is one of the largest producers of oil, importing fuel because it does not have enough refineries to process oil.

“With penalties and the other hit in the heart of the possibility of Iranian Government to finance and pursue their nuclear programs, “he noted in the text of the speech will deliver Obama to the time of ratification of the Bill. “We show that the Iranian government’s actions have consequences and that if they insisted the pressure will continue and be intensified, as the isolation. There should be no doubt: the U.S. and the international community is determined to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons “, highlighted the same text.

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