The Pope and the Patriarch defeated the bombs of hate

Aristotle Vassilakis
The historic meeting of Patriarch – Pope in the island of Lesvos, on the occasion of the refugee can be classified as comfortable, and as the religious event of the millennium…
The Syrian refugees with all of their drama, may not “abolish” the Schism between the two major Churches, however, this meeting may prove to be crucial for the further rapprochement of the two Churches, but also for the overall global social development…
It is clear that even today Religions play a decisive role in the shaping of social developments… we Remind you that the Catholic Church has about 1.2 billion believers, while the Orthodox Church has about 300 million believers, with 14 independent churches, fully independent management.
Can the Schism of the two Churches came in 1054, however, have not suddenly emerged. In fact formalised an already existing situation, as well as over the years the eastern and the western Christianity shaped different traditions, though developed at the same time, as the gap between them widened at the level of doctrinal, operational, and administrative.
According to historical data, the coronation of Charlemagne on Christmas of 800 was the one that questioned the universal property of the Byzantine emperor, and at the same time widened the gap between east and west. The Pope found a protector for the Roman Church, which facilitated the rupture with Constantinople.
The byzantine emperor was limited no longer to the East. For the byzantines, constituted a coup d’état against the legitimate imperial power. Thus began a long period “that characterized the so-called problem of the two emperors with the competitive confrontation of two empires”. All of this led to the fall of constantinople in 1453, which, in my opinion, would have been avoided if he had not come from the Rift.
Therefore, a determining factor in all of these can be called the Charlemagne!!! With a totally simplistic approach, but perfectly reasonable, the Germans were the ones who gave Constantinople to the Turks, and they split up in both the Roman and Byzantine culture, which, in my opinion, have been the natural evolution of the Ancient Greek Civilization…
Conclusions the Argentinean Pope Francis, in company with the Greek Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew sent an unprecedented – in my opinion – world social message… Argentina and Greece, i.e. the two countries – black-sheep – of modern capitalism, they give lessons of humanity to the “rich and civilized”… at the same time send a message to all muslims… The humanity and peace, not state, not religion, The 12 refugees who took with him to the Vatican, Pope Francis are all Muslims!!! The bombs that create refugees in Syria, falling from “rich Christians” and “Ισλαμοφασίστες minions”, “against the poor muslims and Christians”