The “pink lake” in Senegal

Less than an hour away from the capital city of Senegal there is an unusual lake that I can’t …
go unnoticed. The waters have the color pink.
The Lake Ρέτμπα has an area of three square kilometers, and on the shores of the there are no residents.
It is separated only by some narrow dunes from the Atlantic Ocean and, as expected, the content of salt is very high.
The pink color is caused by a type of bacteria (Dunaliella salinaτα), which are attracted to the high salt content of the lake. The bacteria produce a red pigment to absorb sunlight, thus giving it the unique color of the lake.
The pink color is more intense during the dry season (which lasts from November to June) and less during the rainy season (July-October).

Not many living organisms are able to survive in the lake Ρέτμπα.Thus, the basic activities is the collection of salt and, of course, tourism.
In practice, the tourists besides the lake view and countless αλατοπαραγωγούς, who turn out to be attraction!

The salt is extracted by the locals from the bottom of the lake with their hands, then placed in baskets and transported to the coast, where it is used mainly for the conservation of fish.
Senegal is in west Africa. The inhabitants are mainly muslims. The official language is French, but speak, and about 30 local dialects. The average life expectancy is 60 years.
