“The first impression a ruler creates is that given by the people who surround him”. Nicolo Machiavelli The elections in Syriza, the background and the next day have been covered by both Nikos and newsit.gr and the media as a whole and will continue to employ as time passes. Like any moves on the chessboard. Apart from the well-known and obvious for the success or not, either of a government or of a party claiming power through a new elected president, it might be interesting to see beyond all others and one of the ingredients that passes in the political landscape to a second degree, but perhaps in some cases it is one of the keys to success. Power goes crazy. The presidency. It’s distracting you. It’s distracting you. It shatters your dna. It creates new boundaries, new tolerances and new behaviors that you never thought you might have. Any kind of power combined with the money you may have gained or inherited brings to the surface if you are a true leader or a yalanji. If you can manage persons and situations so as to maintain control or if you let people surrounding you inform you or misinformed you. If within your greatness you create wrong red lines and give the opportunity to capable and incapable of functioning as fliers of misinformation. Think you’re controlling, but deep down you’ve given people the right to attack your authority irreparably and you think you’re the last emperor. The leader, the President, the boss, the political leader, the power contender is responsible for the people he puts next to him. It is his image and the basic tool to carry properly, without exaggeration, repelled and sedative tertips, everything that he cannot or does not want to pass through his hands, other times because of arrogance and others because he really trusts his people or very simply because he does not have time. A lottery is the people you put next to you. Russian roulette. They either save you or send you to the time of the story an hour earlier. Whether you’re Prime Minister, political leader, businessman, president of the cheerleaders. Infinite times governments, opposition parties, brand business names lose the ball and tarnish their image, because they are not in control and leave all kinds of “trustors”, major executives, ministers, party “tools”, CEOs, secretaries and Pharisees to make their own game and misinformed the leader who trusted them. Judas kissed beautifully. But when you find out most of the time it might be too late. A leader must have the ability to choose proper strains and shrew control them, so that they are not betrayed by their manipulations. When you’re called Mitsotakis, Androuliakis, Famelos, Latsis, you have to be very careful about choices and filter what your people tell you. Basic principles. So you avoid the gelles and you put a tombstone on your personal ambitions and the repulsives of your people who are more royal than the king’s. The magic of a leading businessman, for example, is not to circulate in Kifisia with Porsche inflating like a peacock, nor to throw up to Economopoulos for a few crumbs of vanity, but to manage properly and to contact persons who can take him one step further, putting a brake on any clumsy manipulations and tripping. To control, to have proper information and especially to learn everything as it really is and not as others think it should be. Only then can he make the right decisions, guide and render work and justice. “Trust, but true” Reagan said. Why is self-evident. How, you must find it, you who rule, you who claim power, you who rule the empire. Depending on the skills, experience and guts you have as a leader. Leaving several things to others is often along with arrogance the greatest trap for the image, future and success of a government, an opposition that claims power, a promising operation. A flash of optimism. You got that or you don’t. If you have it, you know who you choose and what you do. If you haven’t had a party at your mansion pool and trips to Gstaad with wives or mistresses. Live and let others die, government, party, business. After all, it’s the night of the battle that the good general appears, according to Napoleon. The rest of the evenings you can open Belvedere to the “reliable” informers and the executives that you chose and which depending on their handling may lead you directly to a Waterloo. Choice and responsibility belong only to enlightened leaders and all kinds of demands of power. And this in practice and from the result, will also be seen in the case of the newly elected president of Syriza.
The “other” key to success
in Opinion