Matt Lewis Politics Daily
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(Title) Pope Benedict XVI said today exaformis global economic crisis, that “the only capital that is worthy to be saved” is human dignity.
«The economy and financial transactions are not indigenous, it is only a tool, an instrument. Their only goal is the human being and the full transformation is achieved through their dignity. Is this the only section that needs to save, “said the Pontiff, the Vatican welcoming representatives of the Bank’s Development Council of Europe.
While” the world and Europe are a very serious moment economy and finance, this can lead to ‘constraints based only on strictly economic criteria, called the Pope.
He pointed out that “Christianity has enabled Europe to understand what a freedom and moral responsibility ».
« The marginalization of Christianity, including the symbols to communicate, would the female of our continent from the basic source enlivens the very hard and contribute to its real identity, “says Pope Referring to the condemnation of Italy by the European Court of Human Rights for being crucified in classrooms, which will be reviewed on June 30.
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