“An Elephant Never Tells A Lie” (Politics not included) FTC
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(Title) «landmark year” for changes in Social Security is in 2011, when it will come into force in the basic package of changes to age limits and pensions. The forwarding settings will take effect at doses and should be completed no later than 2015, when it will do … premiere of the new system of calculating the pension (basic pension and analog). Details are four main changes will come into force next year and will dramatically change the insurance landscape: one starts to increase retirement age of seven groups of policyholders. The annual increase for the class will begin at six months and can reach up to five years.
From the new rules affect those who retire with 35 years at age 58, who opened the exit door 37etia regardless of age and workers in heavy and unhealthy occupations. Major losers are women in government, where the Treasury bill the age limit will go out at 65 (in the equation).
Sit on burning coals mothers IKA minors and special Funds employed as the troika calls for the retirement age to go to 65 years of age. In that case, raising the retirement age will reach three times a year and be completed in 2015.
This topic will be locked in the 16th, a meeting of the leadership of the Ministry of Labour with the troika. At this meeting the Greek side will point out that the law Petralia, the retirement age will go from 50 to 55 years and will seek to avoid a new charge (however, the margin for maneuver is limited, given that similar legislation is already promoted to the Public ). Note that for a full pension the insured must complete 40 years of insurance and 60 years or 65 years.
2 A penalty of 6% a year for early retirement. This means that insured opened five years earlier the exit door, will see their pension reduced by 30%. The penalty will be imposed for each year of the missing 60 to 65 years unless they complete 40 years. For example, the insured will open the exit door with 35 years of age 61 years, will take a reduced pension at 24%.
3 begins the transition period to change the method of calculating pensions. The changes will begin in 2015, when it will implement a mixed system for calculating the pension. Specifically, the years between 2011 and 2014 will be calculated under the new system (ie average rate of 1.2% for the proportional pension plus the basic pension). But the years have traveled to 2010 will be calculated based on the current system (eg IKA considered the best 5 years).
4 concludes the actuarial all subsidiary funds. The aim of the Ministry of Labour is the next year the amount of supplementary pensions is directly related to the economic situation of each Fund. However, this issue has not been “locked” even as the troika is pushing for even tougher measures. Specifically, it seeks a rate of 1.2% and in the alternative, which would lead to a dramatic reduction in pensions.
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