The National Lottery changes and from January 16 will highlight more winners, increasing the draws of each edition to five, from four who were to date. In addition, on the last day of the fifth draw of each edition all endors will win, depending on the end of the First Lachnos. From 40 euros will be won by those who have a single or even number equivalent to that of the First Lachnos and from 20 euros everyone else. CORVERSE At the same time, the publications of the National Lachios are reduced to four of five on an annual basis, while the guaranteed prize of 1m euros in the First Lachnos will continue to be drawn in the last draw of each edition. The first draw of the new 268th edition will take place on 16 January, while the last one on 21 March. The game’s lottery tickets are available at the OPAP stores and the country’s entire lotteries. The National Lottery is released for each draw in tens worth 40 euros, while the cost of each stamp item is 4 euros. Each player can choose his own personal number. How it is played In each edition successive draws are held, with many intermediate prizes waiting for winners. Specifically, five draws will now be held in the National Lottery, which include sub-payments where one or more lucky numbers are shown. Every number drawn comes out of the game increasing the odds of the remaining lotteries up to the last draw of each edition, in which the 1m-euro First Lachnos is drawn. CORVERSE Renewals If after a draw is finished the player number or the thousand to which it belongs, the player continues to play with the same number. The next draw lottery is provided, no later than one day before it. So anyone can with five renewals, participate in even more draws for intermediate winnings before the great draw of the First Lachnos. The programme of 268th edition The National lottery draws for the 268th edition begin with the First draw on January 16. The second draw is followed on 28 January, the third draw will begin on 11 February, while the fourth draw on 24 February. The fifth draw starts on March 10th and ends on March 21st, when the grand prize of 1m euros will be drawn. 18+ land .Airline EQEP Regulator . Risk of addiction & property loss . Support line 1114 . Play Responsible
The National Lottery changed: More winners and a prize guaranteed 1m euros in the First Lachnos
in Greece