The Lord opens our eyes: The economic analysis of the year – The Κρητίκαρος that will scan the internet… [video]

The country is in crisis and I said to start with a cliche…
We have read any social and political analysis has been done and the last cleaning lady in the New York Times or the Financial Times or the mcdonald’s Journal. We have heard analyses of the canals.
We learned out of the ESM and the Eurogroup and the ELA and the IOU’s and we know how to analyse it better than the economists of Wall Street. And all this for what? Because we’re just kittens in front of the Titan κρητίκαρο that put things in a logical order and found the source, but the solution to the problem!
I won’t say more. Will post WITH PERSONAL COST and risk to the lives of our video that says the unique truth. See the before the freaks of the New Order of Things intervene and hide it forever to the dustbin of history.